Thursday, 1 September 2011

Citizenship Pledge

Click here to find the citizenship pledge


  1. The Australian Citizanship is saying that you agree to the terms and laws that the Australian Government put out there. It is showing your prould to be an australian by choice or by born.

  2. three thing the department of immigration are trying to do today.

    protect refuges

    contribut to Australiars security by boarder managment

    promote Australias Citizenship
    by saxon and Brodie.

  3. Brodie and Saxon, Please watch your spelling. Citizenship, You're proud, Australian. By born, I think you mean by birth, but Australians born in Australia do not need to make the pledge. Read your work and make sure all grammar is correct, this is true in your second comment too. Always write in full sentences. Please correct your sentences there as there are lots of errors.
